5 Ways To Know You’re Leveling Up As A Person.

Clear Mind Project
4 min readFeb 12, 2022
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Whether you’re just starting to realize it, or whether you’ve always known it, we all want to be better than we are. We all yearn to improve and grow as individuals. And it can be hard sometimes to tell if you’re actually making progress in this area. However, there are definite ways to know for sure if you’re leveling up as a person. Here are five signs of someone who’s making their best effort to level up every day.

You find yourself growing more comfortable with yourself

It’s natural to feel insecure about ourselves from time to time. Insecurities are a part of being human, and because we’re all so different, it’s impossible for any two people to have the same insecurities. But when you find yourself growing more comfortable with who you are in a general sense, then that is a sign that you’re leveling up as a person.

Ways to Practice Body Positivity

  • Positive affirmations.
  • Think healthier, not skinnier.
  • Compliment others freely.
  • Surround yourself with positivity.
  • Consider the things you like about yourself.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others.
  • Cut out negative self-talk.

Many people don’t realize that in order to level up, they have to be their own best friend. And this means being kind and patient with themselves. If you’re going through a hard time right now and feeling down on yourself, try looking back on how far you’ve come in your life. Others may not have been able to realize this point if they were in your shoes. So be kind to yourself!

You start to see your personal growth in your relationships

The most obvious way to tell you’re leveling up as a person is if your relationships start to grow. If you notice that you’re better at communicating with your spouse, or if you feel more connected with friends and family, or if your co-workers are starting to trust you more, these are all signs that things are improving in the personal realm. The best part about this is that, when it comes to relationships, investing in them will benefit them in the long run.

You’re starting to feel better about what you’re contributing to the world

When you’re at your best, you’ll start to feel better about what you’re doing. You’ll feel good about the things that are coming out of your life and the contributions you’re making to the world. As you do this more and more, it will become a habit. And when you get in this mindset, it’s easier to take risks and try new things.

The truth is that being content with what we have can lead to stagnation in our lives. It can be really hard to take risks or try new things when you’re happy with everything in your life. But when you start feeling good about what you’re putting into the world, then it becomes easier for us to commit to new ideas or projects. This is because we know that our actions are adding value somewhere and we want them to continue adding value for as long as possible.

You take on challenges that make you uncomfortable

One of the best ways to know if you’re leveling up is to take on challenges. You should try something new, and see how it turns out. It might be a little scary, but that’s just part of the process. You might discover something you absolutely love! Or you might realize that it wasn’t for you and that’s okay, too. Either way, taking on those challenges make you stronger as a person.

You learn from past mistakes and forgive yourself for them.

A lot of people have a hard time forgiving themselves. They dwell on their previous mistakes and let them control their future decisions. But the truth is that we all make mistakes — it’s inevitable. And there’s nothing to be ashamed of — it just means you’re human.

The only thing to do when you make a mistake is to learn from it and then forgive yourself for it. Don’t punish yourself up over things you can’t change. All that will do is reinforce the negative emotions tied with your mistake, which will have a powerful effect on your behavior going forward. So, if you find yourself making a mistake, take a deep breath and forgive yourself for it as soon as feasible to avoid causing more problems in the future.

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Clear Mind Project

A journey into a Spiritual Personal development is a process by which a person becomes aware of and acquires positive personality traits.